Kat Got Your Tongue?

Great article here from Kat Got Your Tongue.

See the article in full here.


A few Sundays ago, back when we were in a heatwave which seems long gone now, my good friend Bex (her blog is here) took me out for a day paddleboarding on the River Hamble. As my second time paddleboarding, I was a little apprehensive – I am well aware that my balance is not particularly good! But, Bex is well seasoned and we jumped on our boards for a day on the water.

If you haven’t been paddleboarding before, I would highly recommend you give it a whirl! It’s relaxing, fun and also a pretty good workout – a good combination if you ask me! There are plenty of places along the South coast to hire paddleboards, with a couple of spots along the River Hamble to do so. If you’re interested, check out WeSUP for guided tours if you’re a beginner.

We set off from the public slipway next to Swanwick Marina, and paddled our way along the river and towards Manor Farm Country Park. The sun was glorious, the water was beautifully cool and I had managed to master my balance. I am very pleased to report that I didn’t fall in – and I’m pretty chuffed with that! Bex’s paddleboards are from Red Paddle Co, and they are awesome – really sturdy, easy to inflate and pack away, plus they have loads of storage!

River Hamble


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